Articles de recherche

Attachment and spiritual coping in patients with chronic schizophrenia

Rieben I., Huguelet P., Lopes F., Mohr S., Brandt P.-Y., Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, Vol. 17, N°8, 2014, pp. 812-826

Many studies on spirituality in psychosis have shown that, compared to a nonclinicalpopulation, patients make more use of spiritual beliefs/religious practices to deal with theirproblems. Our research question was to test whether attachment to spiritual figures could bea good explanation for religious coping strategies in patients with psychosis. First, adultattachment was investigated in 28 patients with chronic psychosis and 18 controls, using theAdult Attachment Interview. Diagnostic evaluations were performed with the StructuredClinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition,Text Revision) Axis I disorders and symptomatic evaluation with the Brief PsychiatricRating Scale. Results also show a high prevalence of insecure avoidant attachment inpatients, and suggest that a significant part of religious coping might be explained by thetheory of attachment (64% of the patients, 78% of controls). The implications of theseresults are interpreted in light of correspondence and compensation hypotheses.

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